Research and development of new solutions for biofunctional textile garments
The company Harmonium Innovation has concluded the project "Research and development of new solutions for biofunctional textile...

Harmonium Innovation and Innomedyx: Looking Together for the Captation of Research Projects in Diabe
Rosa Valenzuela, CEO of Innomedyx, has recently signed a collaboration agreement with Harmonium innovation, international company with...

Got pre-diabetes? Here's five things to eat or avoid to prevent type 2 diabetes
Pre-diabetes is diagnosed when your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as having type 2...

Why diabetes is more common in rural areas?
If you live in a rural area, there's a greater chance that you'll develop diabetes. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and...

Researcher may have found a cure for Type 1 Diabetes
Ending the world’s diabetes epidemic could be one step closer, with a promising new technique curing the condition in mice. Scientists at...

Avoiding sugary drinks prevents Type 2 diabetes: Study
Cutting sugary drinks out of diet would significantly reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, according to the results of an...

Terrifying Data About Diabetes in China
After yesterday's post we share a little bit more of information with you about Diabetes in China, which has reached epidemic figures,...

China Facing Diabetes Epidemic
China is facing the largest diabetes epidemic in the world with around 11% of its population suffering from the metabolic illness (150,8...

World Blood Donor Day, 14 June 2017
What can you do? Give blood. Give now. Give often Every year, on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day...

What can cause uncontrolled diabetes? #5
People with diabetes can develop many different foot problems. Even ordinary problems can get worse and lead to serious complications....