Do you know the symptoms of type 2 Diabetes?
Do you know the symptoms of T2D? The most common symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes are the following: Excessive thirst and a dry mouth Frequent...

Taking a break from exercise? It may up diabetes and heart disease risk
"No physical activity for two weeks can accelerate the development of chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease." Young...

10 Things that you probably did not know about Diabetes # 8
Do you know that is bariatric surgery? Current therapy for type 2 diabetes includes lifestyle intervention (weight-loss, appropriate...

10 Things that you probably did not know about Diabetes # 7
Do you have the uncertainty of things that you can eat and you don't? A meal plan for a person with diabetes isn´t very different than...

Do you know the symptoms of type 1 Diabetes?
Do you know the symptoms of T1D? The most common symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes are the following: Excessive thirst and a dry mouth Extreme...

10 Things that you probably did not know about Diabetes # 6
Do you take exercise? If you at risk, type 2 diabetes can be prevented with moderate weight loss (10-15 pounds) and 30 minute of moderate...

10 Things that you probably did not know about Diabetes # 5
Do you know Type 2 Diabetes symptoms? What is Type 2 Diabetes? Diabetes is a problem with your body that causes blood glucose (sugar)...

10 Things that you probably did not know about Diabetes # 4
Did you know that only about 10% of all people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes? Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and...

10 Things that you probably did not know about Diabetes # 3
Did you know that about one third of all people with diabetes do not know they have the disease? In fact, only one in 100 people could...

What if Diabetes were a country, how many people would live there? Do you know the answer?
If Diabetes were a country, it would be the world´s 3rd populated in the world with 451 million people, only outstripped by China and...